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The mission of the Unit is to support international students enrolled in study programs of all cycles (first, second and third) of the University of Athens, before and after their arrival in Greece, for issues related to procedures, actions and communication with other public bodies.


Mission Statement

The International Students Support Unit is responsible for:

supporting international students in the process of their enrolment in all the programs of our Institution,

supporting the process of concluding contracts that facilitate the granting of  residence permits for study purposes,

supporting student-visa-applicants through communication with the Greek Consular Authorities, as well as towards their application for a Greek residence permit within 90 days of their arrival in Greece and for communication with the relevant Public bodies,

supporting the international students during their settlement in the country for topics such as choosing among  accommodation options, arranging medical insurance, tuition fee payments, application for tax identification number, opening of a bank account  and other procedures related to public services, energy and telephone providers,

cooperating with the competent services of the University of Athens to serve the needs of international students and assisting them with any other issues that could emerge during their studies,

informing about the Modern Greek Language Teaching Center, devoted to the teaching of Modern Greek as a foreign language or other foreign languages ​​in cooperation with the competent units of our Institution,

exercising any other competence that facilitates and contributes social integration of third-country nationals on the Greek territory and into the academic community,

Members of staff will be available by email, phone or in person to help international students resolve any problems that come up.