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How long does the residence permit last and how is it renewed?

The student residence permit is in most cases valid for one year. If the duration of the study program is less than one year, then the residence permit will be valid for the duration of your study program.

In the event that you are a scholarship holder or participate in exchange programs within the framework of transnational agreements, the residence permit is granted equal to the duration of the program or the duration of the scholarship.

You can request to be granted a residence permit for a duration equal to the maximum duration of your studies, so in this case you must also provide an additional certificate from the relevant educational institution for the total duration of the studies you are going to follow.

To renew your student residence permit, you are required to submit an application, at least two months before its expiration, to the competent department of the Directorate of Decentralized Administration of your place of residence.

The total time of renewal of the residence permit cannot exceed the period of normal study equal to the minimum number of semesters necessary for the award of the degree according to the indicative study program of the faculty, increased by four (4) semesters and a half for postgraduate students or PhD candidates.

Renewal requests can only be submitted through the online platform of the General Secretariat of Migration Policy.

The supporting documents I will need to renew my residence permit

1. Photocopy of all pages of the passport or travel document covering the period of validity of the last residence permit.

2. Residence permit.

3. Administrative fee of 150 euros (issued online frome-paravolo - under code 2107). Not required if you are a scholarship holder.

4. Health insurance certificate. Not required if covered by the Scholarship.

5. Certificate of registration and participation in the exams from the relevant educational institution and certificate of detailed study score.

6. Proof of financial means. Evidence proving that you have sufficient resources (including the scholarship), i.e. 400 euros per month as a minimum & a statement that this amount will be renewed. The proof of financial means could be a deposit account, a bank transfer, proof of scholarship or proof of salary in case you work part-time (when renewing your residence permit).

7. Certification of the relevant educational institution for the total study time of the specific program.

8. Proof of parental or other legal guardian consent if you’re under 18.

9. Documents for issuing the card:

(a) One (1) passport-size picture as well as in digital format, as a .jpg file stored on optical storage disc (CD) or USB stick.

(b) Administrative fee of 16 euros (issued online frome-paravolo - under code 2119).

(c) An official public document of the country of birth or origin officially certified and translated clearly showing the place of birth. In the translation, the place of birth should ALSO be written in Latin characters. (Provided only in case the city of birth is not printed in the passport in Latin characters).

All supporting documents can be found at

My residence permit was revoked/ They refused to renew it

The student residence permit is revoked or not renewed in cases where there are public health reasons (only those prescribed by the World Health Organization) or a risk to public order and security, or if it is proven, by a final court decision, that false information was used, or forged documents.

Also, when there is a lack of progress in the relevant studies if the competent services ask for the opinion of the higher education institution.

Finally, when there is evidence or serious and objective reasons that demonstrate that the student or volunteer resides in the country for purposes other than those for which he was permitted to reside, or does not comply with the conditions provided by national legislation for the status of part-time employment while exercising of their financial activities.

You can, however, submit an application for annulment before the competent administrative court against this decision. However, if the renewal of your residence permit is not approved by the court, the relevant services issue a return decision (=administrative act by which the stay of a third-country national is declared or reported as illegal and the obligation to return is imposed).

My student residence permit has expired and I have not renewed it

If you still remain in Greece, you are considered illegal and must leave without further notice until the last day of the expiration of the residence permit, unless before its expiry you have submitted an application for its renewal and you have been granted a certificate of application submission.

If you stay in the country for a period of more than 30 days after the expiry of your residence permit, upon your departure you are required to pay four times the fee provided for the annual residence permit (4X150€). If the time of your illegal stay in the country is longer than 30 days, you are required to pay eight times the prescribed fee for an annual residence permit (8X150€).

You won’t pay a fine if you have violated your legal time of stay due to force majeure.

In which other case am I allowed to stay in the country after my study permit expires?

1. To be married to a Greek citizen or a citizen of a member state of the European Union.

2. To have been recognized as a political refugee or to meet the conditions to be recognized as a refugee or as a stateless person.

3. You were accepted in Greece for reasons of family reunification and then changed your residence permit to a student residence permit.