To obtain a TIN number (AFM), you will need the following documents:
In order to obtain your TIN number (AFM) follow the next steps:
1. Submit an application on the digital portal myAADE under "TIN number (AFM) & Key Code (Act for myself)" without filling in the details of a residence permit and the personal details of a tax representative.
2. After submitting the application, you will receive an application number (Αρ. Αίτησης). Keep this number, as you will need it to schedule an online appointment with an AADE employee to obtain your TIN number and Key Code.
3. After the AADE employee confirms your application details and passport, your TIN number (AFM) and Key Code will be issued. The data (TIN number, passwords, and Key Code) will be sent to your email address in an encrypted file as specified in the application.
Press here for instructions.
The information in this file will include the provided TIN number, your username, the temporary password stated during the application (which you will need to change for security reasons when activating the account), and the Key Code necessary to activate the account.
To activate your account and create/change your username and password, please follow the following instructions.